- Initial Administrative Screening Interviews will be conducted through an online interview process, VidCruiter. This virtual recruitment tool allows you to record your responses when it is convenient for you and from anywhere in the world, provided you have a computer and an Internet connection.
- 在线申请和视频面试过程大约需要 90 分钟才能完成。要开始申请流程,请单击此处: bit.ly/CSDSA25
- The requirements for the online application require a candidate to upload a current resume/curriculum vitae (CV) and school leadership license. You will also mark the school types you are interested in working at (elementary, middle, and high schools)
- The video interview process includes a video resume and six questions focused on your philosophy of school leadership.
- Members of the Canyons School District School Performance team will evaluate all qualified online video interviews in October, December, February, and May 2024-2025; and other dates as needed.
- If you would like to be considered for a position in the upcoming school year, please complete this process before February 1. Applications will still be reviewed following that date, but most administrative appointments are made in March.
- School Performance will identify and notify via email all qualified applicants who will be added to the Administrative Candidate Pool. All identified and notified candidates will remain in the pool for three (3) years.
- You may reapply through VidCruiter annually even when in the administrative pool.
- If you do not receive an email from School Performance notifying you that you are in the pool, you may choose to reapply the following year.
- Candidates in the pool will be offered a second round in-person interview with School Performance.
- As the possibilities of openings arise, candidates may be offered a third round in-person interview with other Canyons School District Directors.
- The School Performance Directors, Department Directors, and the Assistant Superintendent will then recommend candidates to the Superintendent for consideration for a particular assignment.
- Once a candidate has been approved by the Superintendent, a recommendation to the Board of Education will be made.
- 要收到学校行政职位空缺的电子邮件通知, 请在这里注册。
- If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please reach out to Assistant Superintendent McKay Robinson (robinson@canyonsdistrict.org) or the Director of Human Resources Steve Dimond stephen.dimond@canyonsidstrict.orG
- 每个招聘季节(3月至12月),个人只能完成一次申请过程。
- 不是当前在Canyons学区的教育者的候选人需要每年向候选人库申请。
- 要申请,教育工作者,教学教练,学校顾问,学校心理学家,学校社会工作者和言语病理学家应征者必须通过职位发布中提供的Vidcruiter链接完成申请和视频筛查面试。
- 申请和面试过程大约需要45-50分钟。
- 要查看所有当前空缺,请单击 这里.
- 许可证状态经过验证后,该候选人将被放置在主题区域的候选人池中,作为其教育工作者许可证或其他证明他们符合资格的证书的区域。
- 随着职位的增加,校长将从候选人池中选择大约五(5)名候选人,以面试职位。
- 一旦选择了候选人并进行了参考检查,将获得人力资源部的批准,并将职位提供给个人。
持牌学校人员调动机会(目前 CSD 持牌员工)
- 所有有兴趣转到您的执照/认可地区的另一所学校的现任 CSD 教师,将在 3 月中旬发布下一学年的职位后申请转职。
- 请点击 这里 查看开口。
- 有关其他帮助,请参见 教师调动请求常见问题解答和说明 23-24
- 对有薪实习感兴趣的大学课程最后一年的候选人需完成 实习申请 并通过电子邮件发送给 csdemployment@canyonsdistrict.org。如果有一所学校在您的内容范围内有空缺,他们可以联系您进行面试。查看所有当前职位 这里.
- 学校辅导员实习职位已发布 这里 有空的时候。
- ESP是该区域中所有可用的非许可职位(行政助理,助教,监护,营养工作者等)
- 要查看开口,请单击以下链接: ESP开幕