
Family Connections

Getting Involved





Getting Involved

Advertising Guidelines

Canyons District offers several opportunities to advertise your business, non-profit or event to our 34,000 students and their families and over 6,000 employees.

Information About:

Rules and Guidelines

Advertising must be applicable to intended audience: Approval may only be given for information or activities appropriate for and directed towards the age of students attending the school(s) targeted for advertising.

Canyons does not:

  • Allow paper flyers to be sent home
  • Allow businesses or organizations to advertise during school hours or official events, including parent/teacher conferences
  • Allow businesses to stand outside of our schools handing out flyers or promotional offers

Advertising materials cannot:

  • Interfere with the District’s educational objectives
  • Compete with approved District programs
  • Be obscene or libelous in nature
  • Be contrary to the curriculum adopted by the District
  • Advertise a product or service not permitted to minors by law
  • Advertise for a political purpose or to influence a ballot proposition
  • Advertise fundraising activities or contests for non-school sponsored organizations
  • Advertise illegal products or acts or be against health orders
  • Advertise or solicit volunteers, internships or employment opportunities for outside organizations
  • Advertise activities or services to students that occur during the regularly scheduled school day
  • Advocate the violation of school regulations
  • Discriminate against any person based on race, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability or public assistance status

Advertising Guidelines

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here

Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

Specialty Schools

High Schools

Elementary Schools

Middle Schools