XXXX Professional Learning Opportunities
Add text to explain, promote, and get educators excited about the professional learning opportunities shared below.
The demonstration of competency on a specific and desirable skill through performance-based assessment.
Targeted Learning
Professional learning opportunities designed to guide and support high-quality instruction.
Knowledge Base Articles
Bite-sized resources to support on-demand learning.
Provide a short description and a direct link to the microcredential on the USBE Midas site.
Provide a short description and a direct link to the microcredential on the USBE Midas site.
Provide a short description and a direct link to Midas, self enroll link, or flyer.
Provide a short description and a direct link to Midas, self enroll link, or flyer.
Provide a short description of the knowledge base article.
Provide a short description of the knowledge base article.