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Policy 410.12 – Assignments and Transfers


5.9.2023 (NEG)

Board Policy

  1. The primary consideration in employee obligatory, voluntary and involuntary transfers will be the maintenance of a sound and balanced education program that is consistent with the function and responsibilities of the District, i.e. educating students to be college and career ready.
  2. The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent and the District Administration to develop administrative regulations consistent with policy.



Reduction in Staff - 410.12-1

  1. When a reduction in staff is necessary within a school/department, Obligatory Transfer Procedures shall be followed.  
  2. Human Resource administrative regulations for Voluntary and Involuntary Transfers consistent with Policy—410.12 Assignments and Transfers shall be followed.



Obligatory Transfer Procedures - 410.12-2

  1. When an Obligatory Transfer becomes necessary a call for volunteers shall be made and if there are none, selection shall be made in reverse order of total District seniority. Total District seniority is defined as total years of continuous service with the District using the licensed employee’s most recent hire date. Exceptions will be made when such a selection would result in creating a program need which could not reasonably be filled by remaining faculty members in that school.  The principal, in cooperation with the appropriate School Performance Director, shall determine the program needs.
    1. A secondary program need shall be based upon the primary teaching assignment.
    2. The person in charge of each secondary extracurricular activity may be exempted.
  2. When identifying the licensed employee with the least total District seniority, the Human Resources Department shall rank the seniority of all licensed employees within the school/department.
  3. Half-time employees, based on seniority, shall only be considered for half-time positions. Half-time employees may apply for full-time positions through the voluntary transfer procedure.
  4. Licensed employees identified for an Obligatory Transfer shall list their placement preference. Positions will be filled by the Human Resources Department with consideration given to the licensed employee’s placement preference.
  5. Whenever possible, a licensed employee who is an Obligatory Transfer will be notified of their placement before the end of the school year. After the licensed employee has been placed, the licensed employee may seek a different placement through the voluntary transfer procedure.
  6. If a licensed employee refuses to accept the first position offered for which he/she is qualified, the Board is relieved of further obligation to the licensed employee.
  7. Licensed employees who are Obligatory Transfers will have the following right to return:
    1. When, at least 10 days prior to New Teacher Orientation, the school they transferred from has an opening for which they are qualified. The employee will be notified of the opening and the opportunity to return extended.
    2. For two school years and will be in direct order of total District seniority. The licensed employee will provide notice of his/her desire to return by completing the applicable section of the annual Educator’s Intent to Return Form.
  8. When an Obligatory Transfer cannot be placed in a position commensurate with appropriate endorsements and skill requirements, Policy—410.13—Reduction In Force (Licensed) will be implemented.



Voluntary Transfer Procedures - 410.12-3

  1. The Human Resources Department will identify and advertise all known job vacancies, together with required endorsements and skill requirements, on the District’s web site at
  2. A fourteen calendar day licensed employee transfer window shall be established, where principals will interview at least two qualified transfer candidates if available, beginning the first posting date for licensed positions for the coming school year. Licensed employees will receive e-mail notification when postings begin. 
  3. Positions of critical need, which include, but not limited to, dual immersion, Title I, science, math or technology, may be posted prior to the fourteen calendar day licensed employee transfer window and will be available to licensed voluntary transfer requests. Licensed employees will receive e-mail  notification when postings begin. 
  4. Licensed employee voluntary transfer requests will be accepted throughout the year when positions are posted.
    1. Licensed employees accepting a transfer will remain in their current position until a suitable transfer date has been agreed upon by the school principals and a Human Resources administrator. NOTE: Transfers will typically occur within two to four weeks from acceptance of the new position.
  5. All vacancies for the coming school year occurring during the transfer window, shall be advertised for two working days, e.g. posted on Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and closes on Monday at 11:00 a.m.  Licensed employees will make transfer requests according to the following procedures:
    1. A Licensed Transfer Request must be submitted online by the educator no later than the published closing date. An email verification of receipt will be sent to the employee, current supervisor and requested school. Additional requests for transfers are submitted through the same process.
    2. Using a common set of criteria such as personnel files, requested qualifications, experience, etc., principals will review requests for transfer and select the candidates to be interviewed.     Candidates who are interviewed but not offered a position will be notified in a timely manner by the local school.



Involuntary Transfer Procedures - 410.12-4

  1. A principal or immediate supervisor may request the involuntary transfer of a licensed employee when in his/her judgment it will benefit the licensed employee, the school, or the District. Involuntary transfer requests, stating specific reasons for the request, shall be made to the Supervisor Assistance Team.  The Supervisor Assistance Team shall review the request and recommend approval or denial to the Director of Human Resources.  Upon final approval of the Director of Human Resources, a copy of the involuntary transfer request and notification of the employee’s placement shall be given to the licensed employee.   Involuntary transfer placements shall occur at the same time as Obligatory Transfer placements, whenever possible.
  2. After the licensed employee has been placed, the licensed employee may seek a different placement through the voluntary transfer procedure (Refer to Administrative Regulation—410.12-3).
  3. Involuntary transfers during the school year shall be avoided.







This online presentation is an electronic representation of the Canyons School District’s currently adopted policy manual. It does not reflect updating activities in progress. The official, authoritative manual is available for inspection in the office of the Superintendent located at 9361 South 300 East Sandy, UT 84070.

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Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here

Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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