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Canyons School District

Strategic Plan

A Winning Strategy

Canyons’ New Strategic Plan Serves As District’s ‘North Star’

The origin story of Canyons District — a school system created in 2007 by a vote of the people — is as familiar by now as our track record in prioritizing college- and career-readiness, student achievement, innovation, community engagement, customer service and fiscal accountability.

CSD has truly made its mark since July 1, 2009, the day Canyons officially became the first new school district to be created in Utah in nearly a century. Even from its first days, Canyons’ schools have been known as a powerhouse in academic, artistic, and athletic programs. 

Last year alone, CSD students captured 11 individual and team state titles. Graduation rates reached enviable 89 percent, even as education systems grappled with COVID-19-related learning loss. CSD opened two new schools, the latest in a string of 20 in 13 years that have been funded by voter-approved bond measures, students consistently outperform their Utah peers on year-end assessments, teacher salaries outpace nearly every other school district in the state, and Forbes Magazine in 2022 ranked Canyons as one of Utah’s best-in-state employers for 2022.  

By all accounts, the story of Canyons’ founding years is one of a series of big successes. 

But there comes a time to start writing the next chapter.

Enter Canyons District’s newly created Strategic Plan, a growth blueprint for the next decade and beyond. It’s a dynamic document that serves as the lodestar for decisions and direction.

Every step of the plan’s development, Canyons parents, students, teachers and patrons were asked their thoughts about the current state of the District — and how we can further the dream of providing a world-class education to every child who attends a CSD school.  It was from this input that the grassroots plan was written.  

CSD’s year-long planning effort, coming as it did on the heels of an all-consuming pandemic, wasn’t easy. But it was illuminating and, without question, worth the effort, say members of the Canyons Board of Education, who spearheaded the plan’s development.

The plan builds on the District’s mission, vision, and foundation of success, said Board President Nancy Tingey. “What’s exciting about this plan is where it will take us in the future. It’s our North Star. It’s all about setting some high standards and working toward them, continuously trying to be better and better and to serve our constituency, and serve our students, and serve our employees so that this system of public education can improve the lives immediately and for generations to come.”

Built by Canyons for Canyons, the growth blueprint focuses on high-quality learning, access and opportunity, human-centered supports, and operating systems — and it’s already driving innovations, achievement, and growth.  It’s setting a course for the future. 

Our Strategic Focus Areas

High-Quality Learning
Access & Opportunity
Human-Centered Supports
Operating Systems

Planning Timeline

April, 2021 - April, 2022

May - July, 2021
Analyze, Plan & Align
  • Convene Steering Committee
  • Articulate goals, governance structure
  • Collect, review District data
Aug - Sept, 2021
Community Engagement
  • Parent, employee surveys (7,300)
  • Focus groups (23)
  • Meetings with student leaders
  • Patron input portal
  • Town Hall meetings
  • Employee listening tours
  • Districtwide accreditation reviews
  • Steering Committee reviews feedback defines four focus areas for Strategic Plan
  • Steering Committee identifies risks, opportunities to guide Planning Teams
Oct - Dec, 2021
  • Planning Teams build first drafts of Strategic Plan based on focus areas: high-quality learning, access and opportunity, human-centered supports, and operating systems 
Jan - April, 2022
Refine, Implement
  • Workshops map the "how" of implementing the plan and measuring process. 
  • Planning Teams refine and tighten the Strategic Plan
  • Focus Areas Committees convened to guide implementation
Canyons School District

Watch The Story Behind the Creation of the Strategic Plan


Impact Statement:

Canyons School District graduates demonstrate the mastery, autonomy, and purpose as set forth in Utah’s Portrait of a Graduate.

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will foster the skills and characteristics for students to achieve success in the post-secondary pathways of
their choice.

Success Criteria

  • CSD classrooms teach creativity, innovation, collaboration, communication, curiosity, critical-thinking, and problem-solving.
  • CSD promotes an atmosphere of learning where teachers and students feel safe to be creative and innovative.
  • Classroom instruction develops the ability of students to demonstrate proficiency of skills and depth of knowledge.

Impact Statement:

All students have access to high-quality, competency-based, personalized-learning experiences with embedded and evidence-based instruction that supports the whole child.

Strategic Initiative:

All students will have access to engaging, challenging, and diverse pathways for successful learning in each CSD school.

Success Criteria

  • CSD classrooms embed STEAM (science,
    technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics)
    principles, interactive learning experiences, arts
    integration, and cross-curricular, hands-on, and
    evidence-based learning.
  • CSD classrooms incorporate healthy physical
    movement, both indoors and outdoors.
  • CSD classroom instruction challenges learners of all levels.

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will develop an engaging and competency-based K-12 model.


Success Criteria

  • The purposes and benefits of a competency-based K-12 model are communicated clearly to students, parents, and CSD employees.
  • CSD provides school communities and teachers
    with resources and training to imp

Impact Statement:

All educators have access to job-embedded and personalized, professional learning.

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will create opportunities for all educators to
participate in effective, collaborative teams, such as
Professional Learning Communities.

Success Criteria

• Educators participate in Professional Learning
Communities that reflect their teaching discipline.
• Data is used by Professional Learning
Communities to evaluate student learning and
inform instruction as it aligns with Utah’s and
CSD’s standards and characteristics of Utah’s
Portrait of a Graduate.

Strategic Initiative:

All educators have access to mentoring and coaching
to meet their individual and professional goals.


Success Criteria

• All educators participate in ongoing coaching with
mentors assigned as needed.
• All educators set measurable goals and self-reflect
to realize their professional potential.
• Educators have opportunities to provide feedback
to mentors, coaches, administrators, and the
Canyons Board of Education.
• CSD demonstrates high levels of job satisfaction
and teacher retention.

Access & Opportunity

Impact Statement:

CSD provides access to resources and opportunities that build a positive and inclusive environment for all
students and parents.

Strategic Initiative:

CSD schools provide opportunities and experiences designed to build understanding and advocacy of
all students. This is characterized by a focus on multilingual students, special education, Section 504,
and advanced learners.

Success Criteria

• Students have access to various learning
modalities and programs to build positive
relationships and life skills.
• Parents and community members are aware of
the resources and programs the District provides.
• Schools and community organizations partner
to provide opportunities for parent, student, and
employee engagement with their school.
• Families receive preparation and information
to ensure a smooth transition for their students
from one educational level to the next.
• CSD educators have access to personalized
professional training focused on multilingual,
Special Education, Section 504, and advanced

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will create an environment that provides equitable access to resources for individual student needs.


Success Criteria

• CSD focuses on the needs of every CSD school and
program when distributing resources.
• The distribution of resources is structured to
promote increased academic achievement in all
student populations.


Impact Statement:

All students, families, and employees feel safe, supported, and have a sense of belonging within their school

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will provide support for the physical, social, and
psychological safety of students and staff.

Success Criteria

• Students feel welcome, safe, and a sense of
belonging in their school.
• Teachers provide students with opportunities
for connection through inclusive activities and
relationship building.
• Employees are adequately trained to model the
skills necessary to provide a safe and supportive
learning environment.
• CSD provides opportunities for parents and
employees to engage in discussions related to
social, emotional, and mental health supports for

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will implement tiered systems to support the
social, emotional, and mental well-being of students,
and that foster honesty, integrity, responsibility, hard
work, resilience, lifelong learning, personal growth,
service, and respect.

Success Criteria

• CSD schools clearly identify, define, and
communicate interventions that support the social,
emotional, and mental well-being of students.
• Students, families, and employees have access to
opportunities and resources to support social and
emotional health and the development of enduring
life skills


Impact Statement:

The roles, responsibilities, and accountability measures for all CSD employees are clearly defined to connect their work to the CSD strategic vision. 

Impact Statement:

CSD provides students, educators, employees, and parents the opportunity to engage in two-way

Strategic Initiative:

CSD departments and committees will have a clear understanding of their purpose, reporting, organizational structure, and support.


Success Criteria

• CSD departments and committees are mapped to align with strategic vision and Board goals.
• CSD provides the necessary support for individuals to be successful in their roles.
• CSD departments and committees have adequate tools and resources to do their job effectively.

Strategic Initiative:

CSD will implement tiered systems to support the
social, emotional, and mental well-being of students,
and that foster honesty, integrity, responsibility, hard
work, resilience, lifelong learning, personal growth,
service, and respect.

Success Criteria

•  CSD employees are heard and supported in their roles and responsibilities through effective and feasible feedback loops.
• Parents are heard and supported in their role through effective and feasible feedback loops.
• CSD employees and constituents are well-informed about District news, major developments, events, strategic goals, policy, programs, practices, and budget decisions.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here

Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

Specialty Schools

High Schools

Elementary Schools

Middle Schools