It’s the parenting dilemma of the digital age: How do we encourage our kids to take advantage of all that technology affords while protecting them from the hazards of too much screen time? How do we model the healthy use of technology when we, too, fight the allure of smart phones and social media?
At Canyons District, good digital citizenship is promoted every day in our classrooms. We empower students to appropriately use technology — and we invite parents to participate.
Protecting your students online is one of the topics to be addressed at a parent information night that Canyons is sponsoring as part of an ongoing Canyoneering Academy lecture series. The event is free and open to the public and will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 6-8:30 p.m. at the District Office, 9361 S. 300 East in Sandy.
“After a brief hiatus due to the pandemic, we’re pleased to be able to resume these informational nights,” said organizer Charisse Hilton. “As the name implies, the Canyoneering Academy lecture series aims to help parents navigate school and equip them to support their child’s educational journey.”
The evening kicks off with a 50-minute keynote address by Utah author Jason Hewlett, a professional speaker known for his “family-friendly” comedic style and inspiring messages about leadership and realizing one’s potential.
Afterward, attendees will have their choice of participating in two of four breakout sessions:
Digital Citizenship: Protecting your Students Online
Agent Michelle Busch-Upwall, Internet Crimes Against Children Taskforce
Canvas and Skyward 101: Monitoring your Student’s Progress
Ms. Emma Moss, Eastmont Middle, State Finalist for Teacher of the Year
Suicide Prevention and Mental Wellness Supports
Supporting Students with 504 Accommodations
Because the presentations are geared toward adults, it’s recommended that parents attend without their children.
Spanish translators will be on hand at the event. If you are in need of additional translation services, please email Charisse Hilton, Charisse.hilton@canyonsdistrict.org.