We’re hiring! Yes, it’s true. Canyons District is looking for a new superintendent to succeed Dr. Jim Briscoe who announced his intention to retire at the end of the school year. But it’s also that time of the year when our talent scouts crisscross the country in search of top teachers to lead our classrooms.
Teaching candidates who are interested in getting to know Canyons a little better are invited to a free “Flip the Interview” Open House on Thursday, Feb. 20, 6-8 p.m. The event, held at Mount Jordan Middle, 9351 S. Mountaineer Lane in Sandy, is an opportunity for hiring prospects to interview us our principals, instructional coaches, and more to become better acquainted with our schools and our culture.
Hiring efforts this year have been helped by the $7,665 pay raise approved for teachers last spring by the Canyons Board of Education. “We’ve already screened hundreds of candidates,” reports recruiter and Human Resources Administrator Jo Jolley.
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But the District is always in search for high quality candidates and continues to accept applications for teaching, counseling and support staff positions.
At a time when teachers, due to a nationwide teacher shortage, can choose where they want to live and work, why are so many choosing Canyons?
Utah’s quality of life, and reputation as a safe, affordable place to raise a family helps. Some are drawn by our outdoor riches. How many schools reside footsteps from the Greatest Snow on Earth, or five national parks?
“Others know that because this District was created less than a decade ago by a vote of the people, we enjoy uncommon levels of community support,” says Human Resources Administrator Sally Sansom. Utah has long led the nation in rates of volunteering.
Teachers who apply to CSD also remark on its enduring commitment to funding teacher training and coaching supports, Sansom says. The District offers nearly 100 hours of free professional development annually, and teachers in every one of our schools have day-or-night access to an instructional coach.
Join us on Feb. 20, or take a moment to familiarize yourself with our job openings online, and see what we have to offer you at this stage in your career.
Superintendent Candidates: https://supersearch.canyonsdistrict.org/
Teachers: https://www.teachers-teachers.com/employer/canyons-school-district-6537
Licensed and Administrators: https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/hr/home.cfm
Support Staff: https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/home
Substitute Teachers: https://jobs.canyonsdistrict.org/human-resources/index.cfm#!/jobDetails/17019