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Getting Involved

Oct. 6, 2009

Photo Exhibit Honoring Hispaniicc Heritage Month Comes to Canyons Distriict
In recognition of Hispanic Heritagee Month, the photo exhibit, “Utah Latinos: A P Proud Legacy,” is on display at Canyons District Offices,, 9150 S. 500 West, throughout October. Phot tographs of 24 individuals were provided by DPR R Communications, led by Lorena Riffo-Jenson. n. Riffo-Jenson told the Board the exhibit and book of tthe same title showcase the contributions Lattinos, from artists to judges, have made to Utah. The eexhibit also aims to foster awareness and inspipire dialogue aboutthe role Latinos play in Utah’s succ cess. For additional information about the exh xhibit, book, or achievements of Utah Latinos, plea ase visit

Draper City Expected to Seek CD DA
Draper City is expected to seek a CCommunity Development Agency (CDA) as an economicdevelopment incentive, Canyons CFO CFO and General Counsel Keith Bradford said. The CDA, if ultimately approved by both Drapeper City and the Canyons Board of Education, wowould require theDistrict to forego increased properrty tax revenues on the targeted parcel for five ve to seven years — a fraction of the typical time frame oof an RDA. The District would continue to colle llect the approximately $90,000 in propertyy tax revenues it currently receives annually oon the parcel for the duration of the CDA. Upon thee CDA’s expiration, the tax revenues generated d by the property are expected to more than double,based on preliminary projections. Draper Citty officials are expected to present a formal propo posal to the Board at its Oct. 20 meeting.

Principal Appointed
The Board approved McKay Robinsnson as the new principal at Lone Peak Elementntary. Mr. Robinson, who currently is working ng in Jordan School District, will replace Kathyy Anderson, who will direct the new Canyons Districct Office of Partnerships and Community Servi vice.

Students, Teachers Honored
The Board recognized the excellenc nce of the following Canyons students and tea chers:
–  Rob Geertsen, teacher and BBoys Basketball coach at Jordan High School, is one of 10 Utah educators to receive a 2009 9 Utah Education Association “Excellence in T Teaching” Award.

– Alta High students Derek Crane, Dallas Crane, Jordan Coon, and Mariella Roberts are part of the elite Crescent Super Band, directed by Alta music teacher Bill Mattingly. The students, accompanied by peers Talmage Haines, Evan Wharton, and Matt Wilson, performed for the Board.

Board Action: The Board approved the consent agenda, which included the administrative appointment; the Sept. 15 Board Meeting minutes; overnight travel for Jordan High AP Biology students, Boys Basketball, Cheer and Cross Country; home school instruction and purchase agreements; opening negotiations with a wireless communications company; and a clinical training agreement with the University of Utah’s College of Nursing.

Superintendent, CFO Reports: Superintendent David Doty and Mr. Bradford continue efforts to meet with faculty in every Canyons school. Dr. Doty and Mr. Bradford have been sharinginformation about the upcoming employee vote on Social Security participation, scheduled for Dec. 9, and emphasizing the importance of having 100% voter participation.

Board Reports: Board members Ellen Wallace and Kim Horiuchi praised the Utah PTA Road Trip’s stop at Eastmont Middle School. Mrs. Horiuchi noted Brighton High football is ranked No. 4 in the 5A classification. Kevin Cromar reported on CTEC’s Emergency Services Career Day, and an academic achievement presentation to the Student Choice Committee that included math curriculum rigor, differentiated diplomas and gifted education opportunities. Paul McCarty said he likes to see Canyons buses drive by during his morning jogs. Mont Millerberg praised the PTA Road Trip stop at Midvalley Elementary, CTEC’s career day event and the District’s Skyward student information system.

Study Session: The Board discussed the Enrollment and Facilities Task Force’s report. Some expressed disappointment that the report didn’t include boundary changes, more specific recommendations or additional data; others felt the report was informative and appropriate in scope given time and information limitations. The Board directed the Administration to detail next steps to address facilities and enrollment issues and propose a timeline for Board perusal.
The Board received a presentation about the Gang Resistance Education And Training (GREAT) Program from Midvale Police Officer “D.J.” DeJarnatt. Midvale Police have implemented the program at East Midvale Elementary, and propose implementing it in other schools. The program, also offered in South Salt Lake schools, is free of charge to the district. The Board also discussed proper protocols for calling meetings, and decided to hold future Board meetings at the District Office at 9361 S. 300 East. The Board met in closed session to discuss personnel matters.

–Jennifer Toomer-Cook

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Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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