Note: Recordings and documents for agenda items can be accessed via BoardDocs by clicking on the corresponding agenda items.
Hillcrest High Rebuild
The Board of Education voted to hire Westland Construction to rebuild Hillcrest High on the current 38-acre campus. The Board also opted to retain the current architectural firm, FFKR, to consult on improvements to the planned auditorium at the home of the Huskies, which will be rebuilt with proceeds from the $283 million voter-approved bond. Preliminary design work began in September 2017 on a contingent basis before passage of the bond, and construction work on the three-year project started in earnest in summer 2018. The construction contract for $113.8 million $82.7 million plus the $31.1 million approved last spring has been impacted by the increasing prices of steel, glass, tile, sheetrock, the low unemployment rate, and competition for contractors.
Patron Comment
Resident Steve Van Maren remarked on the unsuccessful Nonbinding Question No. 1, which would have increased the gas tax to provide more funding for education and local roads, and noted President Sherril H. Taylor’s retirement from the Canyons Board of Education.
Consent Agenda
The Board of Education approved the Consent Agenda, including the minutes from the Canyons Board of Education meeting on Dec. 4, 2018; approval of hire and termination reports; approval of November financial reports; and update definition for at-risk students.