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Getting Involved

Nov. 3, 2009

Canyons Support Services Center

District Offices Named
Canyons School District Offices haveve new names. The Office at 9150 S. 500 Westt is the CanyonsAdministration Building. The Officcee at 9361 S. 300 East is the Canyons Support Services Center.

Operation School Bell Assists Ca anyons Students
The all-volunteer Assistance Leaguue is offering Canyons students in need new cclothing, coats, andshoes, President Carol Coulter said d. The League also provides the “Kids on the B Block” program, where puppeteers perform skits abbout bullying, gangs, and divorce for element ntary students.

Patron Comments: Hillcrest High h student Ryan Baker and his mother Linda Baaker urged theDistrict to participate in the Centraal Utah Science and Engineering Fair at Brighaam Young University, which they feel providees more opportunities for students to compette nationally.Canyons is participating in CUSEF and the Salt Lake Valley Science and Enginee ring Fair at the University of Utah this year.
Consent Agenda Approved: The BBoard approved overnight travel for Hillcrestt Cross Country, home school requests, Sandy City’ss proposal to use district property in disasterr response,participation in the Medicaid Admiinistrative Claiming Program, membership in n the National Federation of Urban-Suburban Sch hool Districts, and the Oct. 20 minutes.

Superintendent, CFO Reports: SuSuperintendent David Doty said Kathy Andersoon has started work as District Director of Partnershipsps and Community Service. He also said Distric ct staff have pledged 195 hours of service to as part of a voluntarism drive with the Region 1 17 PTA. CFO Keith Bradford said the District is resear rching healthy lifestyles incentives to cut healtlth care costs and promote a healthier workforce.

Board Reports: Ellen Wallace repoported on visiting Peruvian Park Elementary, AAlta View Elementary and its School Commuunity Council, and Oakdale Elementary’s SCC. ShShe said a principalsuggested evenly distributing cell ttower revenue districtwide.
Kim Horiuchi reported on the Utah State Office of Education’s Public Education LeadershipRoundtable, which she attended with Kevin Cromar, and the community meeting hosted by the Brighton SCC. She is pleased discussions on the district’s facilities Master Plan have begun.
Mr. Cromar attended a variety of community events, including the Alta State Soccer Championshipgame and the Sandy Halloween parade.
President Tracy Cowdell attended the Sandy Halloween parade. He and Dr. Doty also helped judge student presentations in the “We the People” program, used in combined U.S. History and English classes at Alta High School.
Paul McCarty reported on the Draper Constituency meeting, where he and Board Vice President Sherril Taylor received input on a proposed academic and facilities plan. Attendees largely supported grade reconfiguration and a bond, so long as it has a clearly defined spending plan.
Mont Millerberg praised the quality of the Jump$tart Coalition’s financial literacy conference.

Study Session: In an open discussion with the Board, the Canyons Education Association asked about Skyward, progress on the District’s teacher mentoring program and the upcoming vote on Social Security, and praised the middle school Professional Learning Communities. The Board and Administration assured CEA leaders Skyward upgrades would improve the system, and that the District has budgeted conservatively, anticipating a continued economic downturn. President Cowdell said the Board wants to cultivate a productive relationship with the CEA.
MHTN Architects is studying Canyons facilities to inform a Master Plan. It will asses and rate facilities based on code compliance, structure, educational adequacy and other factors, and provide line-item cost estimates for repairs. A draft report is expected in December, and a final report is scheduled for January.
As requested by the Board, Dr. Doty distributed enrollment projections based on a potential grade reconfiguration to kindergarten-through fifth-grade elementary schools, sixth-through eighth-grade middle schools, and ninth-through 12th-grade high schools.
The Board met in closed session to discuss the character, competence or health of an individual.

–Jennifer Toomer-Cook

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Lucie Chamberlain

Alta View Elementary

If a movie about super teachers were ever made, Lucie Chamberlain would be a prime candidate for a leading role. Fortunately for her kindergarten students at Alta View Elementary, she already thrives in a supporting role for them. Parents thank her for being a “super teacher.” She is also described as an “amazing colleague.” Whether students need help in the classroom or from home while sick, Lucie goes above and beyond to help them learn, overcome fears, and feel important and cared for. Lucie is the reason a number of kids went from hating school to loving it, according to parents. The way she exudes patience, sweetness, positive energy, and love for her students with special needs melts is appreciated and admired. One parent noted: “Both my kids wish she could be their teacher forever.” Another added:  “She treats every student like their learning and their feelings are her priority.” Super teacher, indeed!

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